Friday, February 13, 2009

A Retro Valentine Brings Back Memories

The other day I was going through an old box of papers in my garage and came across an old school composition book. From reading the material in the book, it is evident the notebook was from the 1930’s. In thumbing through the pages I came across this little valentine, probably dating from the same era. Finding this little treasure brought back memories from when I was a student at Fulton Grammar school here in Itawamba County during the early 1960’s.

Valentine’s Day was a fun day at school. On the day before Valentine’s Day we were given small brown paper bags. We would decorate the bags with our crayons and the teacher would come around and tape our bags onto the sides of our desks. The next morning we would bring our valentines and place one in all of our fellow students’ bags. Most of our valentines were purchased at the local Ben Franklin variety store and were very similar to the one illustrated above from the 1930’s.
Little finds like the valentine above can be a catalyst for bringing back memories from times past.

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